Summer Exhibition 2023 Schedule & Details

Jun 18, 2023

Skater Schedule

Last Updated: 12:09, 18/06/2023

Part 1

Ice Resurfacing - 15 mins

Part 2

Finale (All Skaters on ice)

Information for Skaters

Any changes to this Running Order in advance of the Exhibition will be reflected here. Skaters that have their slots changed significantly will be notified. Please double check the schedule on the evening to ensure you know your slot.

In the event that a last minute change needs to be made during the Exhibition, an announcement on the PA system will be made.

When you see that the programme 3 slots before yours is starting, please make your way to the "Next Skater" Area (the hockey benches). A member of the Event Team will signal to you when it's time for you to head onto the ice. Position yourself in your starting pose as soon as possible. Once you are still, your music will be started for you. After your performance, please make your way to the exit door swiftly.

Information for Spectators

Entry Time
The last session at the rink before the Summer Exhibition begins will finish at 17:30. You are welcome to arrive earlier to ease congestion in the Arena, but please ensure you've had your ticket checked first. We will be giving event spectators wristbands as tickets are checked.

Refrain from entering the ground-floor ice area to spectate
Please avoid gathering around the edge of the ice pad (on the ground floor) during the event. This is to keep the walkways around the ice as clear as possible for skaters/supervisors, rink and event staff, and our media teams to move around in the low-light safely.

Instead, please keep to the reception, café, and first floor of the rink as much as possible.

Be mindful of photo/video rights
Please don't capture media of skaters/individuals if you do not have their consent to do so, particularly if you intend to share them. Please also ensure than any flashes and ringtones are disabled, as these could be highly distracting to skaters.

Dress warmly!
Ice rinks are giant fridge/freezers! Despite the warm weather, you'll definitely want to bring some winter-wear or a blanket.

It's not too late to buy tickets! Head to our Club Shop to purchase them (£6 each).
