Speed Skating Update: Toward Regular Training

Aug 13, 2023

This post was updated on the 27th August following the second Short Track Intro Camp.

After months of planning and anticipation - Short Track Speed Skating arrived at the Cambridge Ice Arena for the first time, and we officially became a Speed Club!

Our first camp had an excellent turnout of budding speedsters, plus a couple of friends from Aldwych that made the trip up from South London to support us (and show us how it's done!). A massive thanks all of you for turning up and making the camp the success it was. A special shout out to our guest Coaches Pete and Mandy Worth from the Nottingham Ice Racing Club - they delivered a superb and memorable experience for us all!

Our second camp on Saturday 26th August built on this momentum, with double the number of skaters giving it a go, and 9 skaters from Aldwych joining us to demonstrate what can come from consistent training!

Check out our coverage of the sessions on our social media accounts!

What comes next?

As we've previously announced, we hope to start a regular club in due course, provided there is sufficient interest.

We are thrilled to confirm that the Cambridge Ice Arena has offered the club a regular slot on Mondays, 7:00-8:00am (with the option to start earlier than 7:00 if needed) exclusively for Short Track Speed Skating. We need to know if you would be willing to commit to training at this time, and with what frequency. To help us assess this, please complete this follow-up questionnaire ASAP.

Though you cannot be held to your submission, your responses will have a strong impact on what happens next. Kindly answer as accurately as possible, and update us if your circumstances change.

We will evaluate all the responses in detail, and hope to update everyone that has registered interest with a date for first Monday morning training session soon.

As always, please get in contact if you have any questions. We will be looking to progress this as quickly as possible, so stay tuned!
