Power On Edges Workshops

Feb 26, 2023

We're proud to offer our first Free Skating sessions: Advanced Power on Edges! These will take place on the first Thursday of each month from May through August (i.e. until the curling season starts and the Cambridge Curling Club takes their regular ice slot back!).

These sessions will offer 45mins of group coaching. Each session is £15, payable via Coacha on a pay-as-you-go basis. Please book onto the session beforehand so that we can predict numbers.

Remember, unlike classes on patch, there is no need for a separate Cambridge Ice Arena patch membership for these sessions. Any Cambridge Ice Skating Club member is welcome to attend - Free, dance, hockey and speed skaters! A minimum skating ability of Skate UK 7+ (or equivalent) is strongly recommended. These will not be beginner sessions.

Head to the Club Calendar on Coacha to book (starting from Thursday 4th May at 19:15).
